Communauté de communes de Guéret Saint-Vaury
route du Gué Lavaud 23000 La Chapelle Taillefert
23000 La Chapelle-Taillefert
Tel : 05 55 52 14 29 - Fax : 05 55 41 19 38
http://www.lesmontsdegueret.fr6 country cottages 4/6 people in a shaded camp-site in edge of river “Gartempe” open from april to october. 1 country cottage accessible to the accompanied handicapped people. Electric heating. In option hiring of cloths: 6 € the pair, kit of toilet: 8 € the kit and equipment free baby on request. With proximity, the Office of Tourism of the Mounts of Guéret informs you on various activities (fishings, excursions pedestrian and VTT…), and animations (evenings tales, initiation fishes, markets and secondhand trades…). Hirings VTT on reservation.