14 in Limousin.
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Museum in La Chapelle-aux-Saintsmusée de l'Homme de NeandertalRoselyne Mons mairie 19120 La Chapelle-aux-Saints (Corrèze)
Phone : 05 55 91 18 00
Autour de la reconstitution de la sepulture neandertalienne, venez decouvrir la vie de notre lointain cousin. Visites guidées vous présentant l'évolution humaine, une comparaison entre Neandertal ...
Museum in TreignacMusée d'Arts et traditions populaire de la Haute-VézèreMme LEONTIEFF Rue du Dr Fleyssac 19260 Treignac (Corrèze)
Phone : 05 55 98 17 25
This attractive 16C three-storey house on Rue du docteur Fleyssac was once the home of Marc Sangnier (1873-1950), founder of the youth hostel movement in France. Today the museum houses regional ...
Museum in Bort-les-OrguesMusée de la Tannerie et du Cuir (Corrèze)M. NONY 965 avenue de la gare 19110 Bort-les-Orgues (Corrèze)
Phone : 05 55 96 85 59
- Fax : 05 55 96 85 59
This museum was created on an ancient industrial site : the Bort’s tannery witch closed in 1991. You will discover how the skins are turned into leather with machines. This exhibition also features ...
Museum in NeddeLa Cité des InsectesLa Cité des Insectes Chaud 87120 Nedde (Haute-Vienne)
Phone : 05 55 04 02 55
La Cité des Insectes, NEDDE (87), in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Millevaches in Limousin. Discover the surprising world of insects in this entomological museum. There are more than ... ![]()
Museum in MeymacMusée d'Archéologie & du Patrimoine Marius VazeillesClaire Termanini Abbaye St André 19250 Meymac (Corrèze)
Phone : 05 55 95 19 15
Located in the 11th century Benedictine abbey in the heart of the historic centre of Meymac, the Museum of Archaeology - Marius Vazeilles Heritage is an exciting introduction to the history of Upper ...
Museum in Saint-Sulpice-les-ChampsEspace Muséographique Eugène JamotAssociation Docteur Eugene Jamot Route de Banize 23480 Saint-Sulpice-les-Champs (Creuse)
Phone : 05 55 67 63 57
Explore the area devoted to the doctor who started his arrival in Africa, is developing an innovative medicine and saving an entire people from a devastating disease. See, the charming village of ... Museum in UsselMusée du Pays d'UsselVille d'Ussel 12, Rue Michelet 19200 Ussel (Corrèze)
Phone : 05 55 72 54 69
Museum of France, opened in 1976, the Museum is dedicated to the history, arts and traditions of the country of Ussel, between the plateau de Millevaches, Triouzoune Valley and the upper Valley of the ...
Museum in Servières-le-ChâteauExposition à Servières le ChâteauChristian SUDER 3 Impasse du Puy Murat 19220 Servières le Château 19220 Servières-le-Château (Corrèze)
Phone : 07 81 56 73 60