
досуги на природе и спорт , водный спорт в Лимузен

    Nautical sports
    Initiate in nautical activities that coastal region offers you. The sail, the surfing, the sand yacht or the kitesurf will carry you to the rhythm of tides and of winds up to an experience rich in feelings.

    In calm waters or in white-waters, attract the experience of the canoe and let come, paddle at the hand, on clear waters of these rivers of character. That you choose a gentle or tumultuous descent, you will be able to use a sumptuous natural setting.
17 в Лимузен.
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водный спорт в Saint-Maurice-les-Brousses

Moniteur Guide de pêche diplômé d'état

LECOMTE Jean-François La Maison Neuve 87800 St Maurice les Brousses 87800 Saint-Maurice-les-Brousses (Haute-Vienne)
телефон : 06 87 12 48 00
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