Понедельник 16 Август 2010r.COMITE DES FETES
87380 Meuzac
телефон : 05 55 08 11 76
http://vide-greniers.org/detailPuces.php?pucesID=31825Meuzac 87 20 minutes south of exit 42 Limoges A20 Monday, August 16, 2010-Empty granaries of Saint-Roch From 8 pm to 18 pm more than 200 exhibitors in 2009 Parking Visitors on site restaurant Exhibitors stand 2 € 5m No reservation Installing the morning from 6am. Organized by the festival committee Come Many http://vide.greniers.meuzac.over-blog.com/ Tel: 05 55 08 11 76