
Accommodation, Villages club en Corrèze

    Villages and vacation centers
    Villages and vacation centres, it is the alliance of quality hostings in a multiplicity of the services. You will have access to numerous activities, sports, games, the whole in a festive atmosphere, you will have no time to annoy you. Everything is organized, of what to simplify your holidays! It is the formula completed for all the family.
9 en Corrèze.
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Villages club in Lapleau

Village Vacances de Lapleau

Francis Dubois Mairie 19550 Lapleau (Corrèze)
Phone : 05 55 27 53 17  - Fax : 05 55 27 52 50
The Village Holiday Lapleau welcomes you in peaceful surroundings in the countryside, near a pond for swimming, which is monitored in July and August. Hiking, mountain biking, fishing and drama ...
Register your touristic spot en Corrèze it's free (in French)